Uli Harnacke
Wallstraße 24
35792 Löhnberg
Phone: +49 6471 626490
Fax: +49 6471 626491
Mobil: +49 172 9103923
Responsible for contents:
Uli Harnacke
Uli Harnacke
Wallstraße 24
35792 Löhnberg
Phone: +49 6471 626490
Fax: +49 6471 626491
Mobil: +49 172 9103923
Responsible for contents:
Uli Harnacke
Any content (in particular images, diagrams, video and audio sequences) are subject to copyrights. "teamPRO³" as the website operator endeavors to observe all copyrights of third parties, or alternatively, to resort to self created as well as license free media (among others from and Should this approach, however, in an individual case not entirely be successful, then we'd ask the affected owner of copyrights to contact us. We will be engaging in finding an appropriate solution as fast as possible.
All logos and graphics are the property of the corresponding copyright owners. All product and company names are brands of the corresponding owners and are used on these pages for information only. Any contribution of a third party is identified accordingly.
The use of any text, image or diagram is only permitted with express permission of the copyright owner. The contents of this online presence may only be used for non-commercial information purposes. Any copy of the entire contents of this website or of any part of it must include a copyright statement as well as the correct copyright protection sign of the owner.
The content of this website or any part of it must not be modified without any written agreement by the operator. The operator reserves the right to withdraw this permission at any point in time, and any use of it has to be immediately terminated once a corresponding written notice is published by the operator.
"teamPRO³", as the operator of this web presence, assumes no warranty for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the contained information as well as for the availability of services, and is also not liable for any consequential damage based on the use of this product or service offer.
In as far as a disclaimer is not applicable, the operators will be liable for gross negligence and willfulness only. All product and company names are brands of the corresponding owners and are used on these pages for information only.
Any website of a third party, which might be referenced by our website by links, falls in the responsibility of the corresponding owner. The operator cannot be held responsible for any content of any such third party website.
It is furthermore possible that other websites create links, which lead to our website without our knowledge. The operator shall not be liable for any representation, content or any link directed to this website, which originates in the website of a third party.
The operator shall be responsible for content created by a third party (i.e. including illegal or illicit content) only, if the operator has full knowledge of it and if it is technologically possible as well as reasonable to prevent its use. According to the Telecommunication Service Act, the operator is however not obliged to continuously monitor any foreign content.